måndag 28 mars 2016

Book-loving bugs

  Annandagens inlägg fylls av fantasifulla fordonsskapelser och löss som sjunger duett. Illustrationerna till "Poem-Mobiles : crazy car poems" är makalöst bra. De är utförda av Jeremy Holmes.


  Men först en bok för två röster; ett annorlunda upplägg där två insekter växelvis berättar om artens vardag. Jag gillade dikten om bin där replikerna framförs av drottningen och en arbetare. Den texten skulle man kunna göra till ett skolframträdande. Jag har emellertid valt en dikt om två löss som bor i böcker. Den är ganska lång men otroligt rolig.

  Författaren Paul Fleischman är välkänd i USA men bara en av hans titlar finns översatt till svenska. Boken Joyful noise tilldelades den prestigefyllda Newberymedaljen 1989.

Book Lice, by Paul Fleischman (f. 1952)
(from Joyful noise : poems for two voices. New York : Harper & Row, 1988.)

I was born in a fine old edition of Schiller

While I started life in a private eye thriller

We're book lice who dwell in these dusty bookshelves.

Later I lodged in Scott's works - volume 50

While I passed my youth in an Agatha Christie

We're book lice attached despite contrasting pasts.

One day, while in search of a new place to eat

He fell down seven shelves, where we happened to meet

We're book lice who chew on the bookbinding glue.

We honeymooned in an old guide book on Greece

I missed Conan Doyle, he pined for his Keats

We're book lice fine mates despite different tastes.

So we set up our home inside Roget's Thesaurus

Not far from my mysteries, close to his Horace

We're book lice adoring despite her loud snoring.

And there we've resided and there we'll remain,

He nearby his Shakespeare, I near my Spillane

We're book-loving book lice 

plain proof of the fact

which I'm certain I read in a book some months back

that opposites often are known to attract.


  Nästa bok är en otroligt snygg bilderbok med texter av J. Patrick Lewis och Douglas Florian. Men det är Jeremy Holmes illustrationer som höjer bokens attraktionskraft.

Bookmobile, illustration by Jeremy Holmes

Giant bookmobile of tomorrow, by Lewis and Florian
(from Poem-mobiles : crazy car poems. New York : Schwartz & Wade Books, 2014.)

I am a very moving van.
Driver: he's the Gingerbread Man.
Fuel: imagination power.
Speed: a dozen aisles per hour.
Whether it be comic strips,
Poetry at your fingertips,
Picture books or trivia,
The Wizard of Oz, Olivia,
My bookmobile has just one goal:
To entertain on cruise control.
But kids get on at every block
And I forget to watch the clock.
So if my van is "overdue",
It's okay if you are too.


Poem-mobiles : crazy car poems
Text: J Patrick Lewis; Douglas Florian;
Ill.: Jeremy Holmes

  Den andra dikten jag valt handlar om en väldigt speciell cabriolet. 

Caterpillar Cab, by Lewis and Florian
(from Poem-mobiles : crazy car poems. New York : Schwartz & Wade Books, 2014.)

Our caterpillar cab is green.
We roll it down the street.
A fifty-foot-long  limousine
With wheels instead of feet.
From time to time it wraps itself
Inside a silk cocoon,
Then turns into a butterfly
That takes us to the moon.

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