What is poetry?
Combined Class Poem
Poetry is a knife stuck in my chest.
Poetry is the blade of grass growing.Poetry is like a bird flying into my house;
It makes you live who you are.
Poetry is my sister.
Poetry for me is like a person seeing the sun for the first time.
Poetry is like a swarm of birds.
Poetry makes you say your words you wanted to say.
Poetry is a gentle ride down the river.
Poetry is a teacher.
Poetry is an iris in the midst of summer,
The cotton clouds in a pure blue sky.
When I read or write a poem, it makes me feel sweet
and powerful to make a change.
Poetry is dancing wildly with your friends.
När livet känns tungt och du behöver finna ny mening i ditt liv, eller hitta ett sätt att hantera svåra livssituationer, så kan poesi vara precis det du behöver. Det har jag påtalat förut. Om ni önskar en vidare utveckling av det påståendet så rekommenderar jag att ni lyssnar till Stephen Burts TED-föreläsning "Why people need poetry".
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