Jag gillade framför allt pseudonymen Anna Enquists kortdikt "I am poured out like water". Med anledning av branden i Västmanland vill jag påpeka att allt i dikten ska ses symboliskt. Poeten bakom det påhittade namnet är Christa Widlund-Broer, född i Amsterdam (1945), och sålunda tävlandes för staden. Hon fick 10 poäng i ronden.
River, flow backwards. Stone,
be fire again. Air around me,
be body that carries me and
comforts. Memory, come undone.
Därmed har Lag Amsterdam kopplat ett rejält grepp om heatet. De leder nu med hela sex poängs marginal.
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En vacker kanalbild från Amsterdam. |
Team | Content | Language | Day 3 | Total Heat 5 |
Amsterdam | 7 | 3 | 10 | 25 |
Queensland (Australia) | 4 | 1 | 5 | 19 |
Chicago | 2 | 1 | 3 | 18 |
Vermont (USA) | 3 | 1 | 4 | 17 |
Toscana (Tuscany, Italy) | 5 | 2 | 7 | 17 |
Älvsborg (Sweden) | 1 | 0 | 1 | 11 |
Kansas (USA) | 6 | 1 | 7 | 10 |
Lagen glider i mål under rubriken, Individ<>Samhälle.
VERMONT : from In the Memphis Airport / Timothy Steele
Above the concourse, from a beam,
A little warbler pours forth song.
Beneath him, hurried humans stream:
Some draw wheeled suitcases along
Or from a beeping belt or purse
Apply a cell phone to an ear;
Some pause at banks of monitors
Where times and gates for flights appear.
Although by nature flight-endowed,
He seems too gentle to reproach
These souls who soon will climb through cloud
In first class, business class, and coach.
(Engelsk översättning: John Irons.)
Someone sings in the house behind doors that are five,
walls that are ten centimetres, bawling,
bellowing, someone scrubs herself bare, lets
air loose everywhere. In pipes and against
tiles, window-panes and thing contrary to
floor what you call? then an echo,
a whistling proceeds, a resonance audible
even in hearths and in logs, sweeping via
chimney flue over beeches, puff balls, sawdust
of guile bug, woe beetle, tumbling on cabbages and
ricocheting against village eardrums. Other than
this song soon nothing will exist. Drum, air,
on the skin round death in the fruit, fair
bursting out of its peel, so. Hours so. Days.
QUEENSLAND : from "itinerant blue" / Samuel Wagan Watson
eyes peering through sun-kissed slits
at a landscape bathing in a varnish of itinerant blue
as if the sky has reminded the earth of loneliness
and the old days of communion
a dawn when gamblers get slapped into remission
and the ball starts rolling again with rogue impetus
time to move and abandon what is built
and may later bleed
after days and nights of bargaining into the mirror’s subversion
as the only muse that serenades you
is a computer generated image
wishing to advise
you have limited credit to make this call…
KANSAS : Name of a tree / Catherine Anderson
Some days I am Ana's teacher, some days she is mine.
This morning, we look through her kitchen window,
the one she can't get clean, cobwebs massed
between sash and pane. The sky is blue-gold, almost
the color of home.
Ana, I say, each winter
I get more lonely. Both of us would like the sun
to linger as that round fruit in June, but Ana says
it's better to forget what you used to know...
ÄLVSBORG : ur Möda / Stig Johansson
Nu håller landet semester.
Syrenbersåerna har slutat dofta
och stengärdsgårdarna
tiger med sin molande ryggvärk.
Jag stannar vid den kyrkogård där farfar vilar.
Han som en gång bodde i en backstuga
i tillvarons utmarker invid Svltorna i Västergötland.
I gravstenen finns en ortoceratit.
Båda överraskades av döden
mitt i ett pågående arbete.
Jag köper blommor att hedra hans minne
och från sedeln viskar Selma Lagerlöf:
- Inget av all denna möda var förgäves.
Syrenbersåerna har slutat dofta
och stengärdsgårdarna
tiger med sin molande ryggvärk.
Jag stannar vid den kyrkogård där farfar vilar.
Han som en gång bodde i en backstuga
i tillvarons utmarker invid Svltorna i Västergötland.
I gravstenen finns en ortoceratit.
Båda överraskades av döden
mitt i ett pågående arbete.
Jag köper blommor att hedra hans minne
och från sedeln viskar Selma Lagerlöf:
- Inget av all denna möda var förgäves.
CHICAGO : from The Other Side of This World / by Calvin Forbes
Put my glad rags in a cardboard box—
This old jiggerboo never grew mature.
Is everthing in its place except me?
Don’t be surprised; I called all day
And the only person I could reach was
The operator; and it’s a sorry day when
Nothing is coming down but your foot.
And how deep is your stomach cause
That’s how far your heart will fall!
When I’m gone I might come back cause
I’m always forgetting something special.
A crease in my overalls, my collar stiff,
TOSCANA : from Everything / Giorgio Caproni
sand and water moving;
water trembling at my voice,
reflecting the sadness of
a scream from nowhere.
do not know where people may be.
The tavern, also burned.
The mail train too.
Not even mourning is left,
in the grey, to wait
for the last
(nonexistent) word.
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