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Johnny Horton och Johnny Cash |
Johnny Cash föddes som J.R. Cash i Kingsland, Arkansas som Rays och Carrie Cashs näst äldste son och växte upp i Dyess i samma delstat. Vid fem års ålder hade han redan börjat arbeta på bomullsfälten tillsammans med sin familj. Under arbetet sjöng man ofta allsång. Familjens gård översvämmades vid minst ett tillfälle, en händelse som senare skulle inspirera honom till att skriva sången "Five Feet High And Rising". Källa: Wikipedia
I have been around, by Johnny Cash (1932-2003)
(From Forever words : the unknown poems. Edinburgh : Canongate, 2016.)
I have been around
I have been on the incoming
And the outward bound
I came up from the fields
And I've been down on my knees
I have been visited by angels
While demons badgered me
And I guess I gave the devil more than his due
But I always come back around to you
I have been around
I have kissed the moonlight
On a priceless pearl I found
I have been a counselor
And I have been a fool
I rode a wild horse
And I rode a Mach 2
I've been loved and I've been bored and I've been blue
But I always come back around to you
I have been around
I have tasted rapture that could not again be found
I felt the power filling up
And I felt the power gone
I've been full but hungry
And abandoned to the bone
In the end I knew one thing to pull me through
I always come back around to you
Den 1 mars 1968 gifte sig June Carter med Johnny Cash efter att han friat till henne på en scen i London, Ontario, Kanada. 1970 föddes deras enda gemensamma barn, sonen John Carter Cash. Hon skrev även Johnny Cashs hitlåt "Ring of Fire". Källa: Wikipedia
If you love me, by Johnny Cash
(From Forever words : the unknown poems. Edinburgh : Canongate, 2016.)
October 1983
The fluctuating worth
Of this very terminal earth
And the satellite that glows at night
Above me
Won't bear upon my mind
But concerning humankind
I won't care if you're there
And if you love me
A seed must die, I know
Before a plant can grow
And so would I
Before I'd let you go
Again the sun may rise
And burn thru yellow skies
But I'll see it through your blue eyes
If you love me
I see it in your eyes
If it's true or if it lies
I feel it if it's real
If you love me
Let the cold wind blow
Let seasons come and go
Let you come to my arms
If you love me
Cash var en man som i mycket tog de utsattas parti, han propagerade för en humanare fängelsevård och han uppträdde vid flera tillfällen på fängelser. En av hans mest sålda skivor är den liveinspelning han gjorde på fängelset i Folsom, Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison, den 13 januari 1968.
Den 3 oktober 1972 uppträdde han på Österåkeranstalten norr om Stockholm och framträdandet gavs ut på albumet På Österåker (1973).
Vid Sverigebesöket 1972 bjöd pingstpastorn Lewi Pethrus också in Johnny Cash att sjunga i Filadelfiakyrkan i Stockholm. Källa: Wikipedia
The walking wounded (two stanzas), by Johnny Cash
(From Forever words : the unknown poems. Edinburgh : Canongate, 2016.)
We're in the church-house kneeling down
We're in the subways underground
We're in the bars and on the street
We drive a truck, we walk a beat
We're in the mills and factories
We make the steel, we cut the trees
A thousand-yard stare, eyes of glass
We will see you when we pass
We are the walking wounded
We lost our homes, we lost our dreams
All our goals turned into schemes
We hurt each other and ourselves
We went through long, traumatic spells
We cried out from the deepest pit
But rise back up each time we're hit
We fell from power and from grace
But resurrection's in our face
We are the walking wounded
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