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Rachel Eliza Griffiths 2015 |
Rachel Eliza Griffiths föddes den 6 december 1978 i Washington DC. Hon tog en MA i engelsk litteratur från University of Delaware och en MFA i kreativt skrivande från Sarah Lawrence College.
Hon är författare till fyra diktsamlingar : Lighting the Shadow (Four Way Books, 2015); Mule & Pear (New Issues Poetry & Prose, 2011), som tilldelades Inaugural Poetry Award av The Black Caucus American Library Association; The Requited Distance (The Sheep Meadow Press, 2011); och Miracle Arrhythmia (Willow Books, 2010).
Jag har läst hennes senaste bok Lighting the shadow vars titel illustrerar väl de intryck man får. Det märks att författaren även jobbar som bildkonstnär.
Men allt är inte frid och fröjd i ansatserna. Det finns en tendens till predikande ton i några av texterna, och ett par av dikterna är överlastade med liknelser. Jag går också bet på vart tematiken är tänkt att leda läsaren. Inledningsvis blir det mer av aska och tystnad än av skuggspel. Kanske blev jag förledd av det inledande citatet från Sylvia Plath.
“I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow, the million moving shapes and cul-de-sacs of shadow. There was shadow in bureau drawers and closets and suitcases, and shadow under houses and trees and stones, and shadow at the back of people's eyes and smiles, and shadow, miles and miles and miles of it, on the night side of the earth.”
Boken tar fart först när Griffiths skriver om sitt Brooklyn och New York (en fin dikt över fem sidor), även om just den dikten passar dåligt in i samlingens huvudspår.
Jag väljer istället att citera dikter ur den sista fjärdedelen av boken. Då kliver texterna "ut ur skuggan" (ursäkta parafrasen) och växer till en mäktig introspektiv resa där man till slut inte vet om det är Rachel Eliza eller Moder Jord som för människans talan.
[Gymnopédies är tre välkända pianostycken av Erik Satie (1866–1925).]
gymnopédie, by Rachel Eliza Griffiths
(From Lighting the shadow. Tribeca : Four Way Books, 2015.)
So it is to be Sadness,
pulling the traces of sounds
against lips
that do not respond to trouble.
The earth is open.
A theater, I once slipped through aisles of desire
& turnstiles of grainy delight. Was there
a secret photograph
of your face insisting behind the rain
you were innocent?
We were not innocent.
I was holding onto what?
Look at the playground
swinging the dark of children.
I woke up, stretching from the slur
of memory. Shivering near the water,
I lifted my mouth, slack as a rope.
Is faith bellowed or hissed?
What you did to me
can't be concealed in the water.
The sunken love.
We watched the bleeding ibis
pour red through the clouds
until it turned away, disappointed
by our songs.
Faith might be that way
with suffering.
When the rain slides its clarity
into me, I am an opal. I am this flash
of city, this pelvis of omens & reprieves,
this antic blurt of water turning
like a voice.
The underdogs of night urge me
to grasp every shadow within my reach
& hold my face away
from mirrors. I break the features
into equal parts. The nightjars
feed before the owl's shudder.
Only then can I imagine how light breaks
over the earth & does not forgive
its innocence.
Samlingen innehåller hela fyra olika dikter som betitlats "Elegi". Innerst inne tror jag att det är dit författaren vill komma, att det är just det vemodet hon vill att hela diktsamlingen ska förmedla.
Elegy, by Rachel Eliza Griffiths
(From Lighting the shadow. Tribeca : Four Way Books, 2015.)
You took away the night over the garden wall & left no shelter
for the aster or the deer that hid there, feeding. You emptied
the buckets where rain would last for days. Where the sparrows
bathed, blotting our raised voices against sunrise. We would walk
into this garden when the house asked us to stop fighting.
We would walk, arms crossed, fists like new bulbs turning
in mud. Turning in the dark. In the dark scent
of lavender was unbearable. You walk away from this. You
drag my face beneath your arm. The door sighs. Without skin
I return to the house. Hold my radio near the open windows.
Inside my head my light blue head turned away on the pillow.
I'm learning how to be a shadow, I must understand
how static works. Already mysterious,
you liked that mostly until the delusions bored both of us.
The kind of breathing we did could move the moon
back to dusk. A gibbous farewell before we blamed star-fall.
You saw my silhouette in the house the way movies use tricks
to invent memories we can recognize
(Words we repeat from an uncomfortable script)
but never had. The better things in us
tried to stay up, night after night, when the dew of illusions froze.
Even shame could be celestial.
And a new planet, like a dab of shimmers, glimpsed us. Hanging low
near the hill, I sometimes hid there, holding diamonds
& my face in my hands until it closed beneath stones,
to get away from us.
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