Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado |
Diktsamlingen är lite ojämn men den är huvudsakligen inriktad på naturalistisk poesi. Jag har valt ut tre dikter och den avslutande texten om fiskmåsarna tycker jag är fin. Fast vi börjar med en åsna.
Pitufo, by Joseph Hutchison
(from The earth-boat. Rocklin, CA : Folded Word, 2012.)
Toward evening the burro begins to bray
in his shaded corral, off in the jungle.
Braying for food or braying for love,
who can say? Whenever we see him
up close, he stands dumbly, ears drooped,
while the boy sells us cervezas frescas
from coolers slung over the burro's back-
We stroke his long face, the grizzled slope
between his thickly-lashed, downcast eyes,
which do not seem to see us ... blinded
as they are by the relentless dreams
of whatever makes him bray at sundown.
Joseph Hutchison har publicerat 17 böcker, inklusive en översättning av den mexikanska författaren Miguel Lupián, och redigerat två antologier. Han bor i bergen sydväst om Denver, Colorado, staden där han föddes. Han undervisar vid University of Denver University College, där han för närvarande leder två program: Konst och kultur samt Globala frågor.
Titeldikten är kort. Men jag förstår till fullo varför den fick namnge diktsamlingen.
The earth-boat, by Joseph Hutchison
(from The earth-boat. Rocklin, CA : Folded Word, 2012.)
The ocean's susurrus....
Now and again a resonant boom.
In its sun-soaked pod the brain
ripens. The earth-boat:
for a few breaths
we can feel it drifting.
Avslutningsvis den dikt jag gillade bäst i samlingen. Tyvärr har den en rätt intetsägande titel.
Thirteen, by Joseph Hutchison
(from The earth-boat. Rocklin, CA : Folded Word, 2012.)
The sea keeps rolling its invisible dice, shredding
itself like a letter announcing the end of love.
So much arrival without advancement, withdrawal
without escape. Along the shoreline, a scrawled memoir:
sea wrack, sodden mangrove trunks, fragments of coral, trash.
Now turquoise, now tarnished silver.
Snowy foam dissolves into clouded glass. Farther out
the deep water frets, frays, sparkles, dims - wrestling
the angel of its changes ....
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Foto: Amy Kane |
Suddenly, low over the breakers, a slow flurry
of thirteen gulls, bright as windblown paperwhite petals.
I had the time - and took it - to count them as they passed:
syllables flying in a line of verse ... their shadows
flickering secretly through the breathing depths below.
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