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Bild från boken "Watership Down (På svenska: Den långa flykten) "Bright eyes" var ledmotiv i filmatiseringen av Richard Adams bok. |
Arthur Ira "Art" Garfunkel föddes 1941 i Forest Hills i New York. Han är mest känd som sångare i duon Simon and Garfunkel tillsammans med Paul Simon. Efter 1970 har han i huvudsak varit soloartist.
Det var först på albumet Everything Waits to Be Noticed (2002) som han stod som upphovsman på några låtar. De sångtexterna var inspirerade av hans poesi från diktsamlingen "Still Water" från 1989. Jag gillar framför allt texten till "Turn, Don’t Turn Away" som var en förbättrad version av dikten Two tears. Musiken är väl sisådär.
Turn, Don’t Turn Away, performed by Art Garfunkel
(text & music: Art Garfunkel/Buddy Mondlock/Billy Mannfrom. Album: Everything Waits to Be Noticed, 2002. Label: Blue Note.)
Two tears, my own
Fall on my collarbone
Roaming in shade in the north of France
Beneath where her shoulder meet
And the rivers dance
Two weeks, have flown
Like water runs over stone
Bicycle wheels through the fields of grain
To fell what I have to feel
Learn how to speak your name
And it's turn by turn
Every memory carries me on my way
If I return
Are you prepared to see all of me in every way
Turn, don't turn away
Two words, "I'm gone"
Your scent on my jacket lingers on
Lavender sunrise in Chateauroux
I wish I could paint it black
We do what we have to do
And it's turn by turn
Every memory carries me on my way
If I return
Are you prepared to see all of me in every way
Turn, don't turn away
With one stroke of the brush I'd be back in LA
In our same day to day
But we're better than this
Don't the both of us know
Diamond used to be coal, diamonds used to be coal
Från diktsamlingen "Still Water" har jag valt ut följande titellösa dikt.
[Soon I will rise ...], by Art Garfunkel
(from Still Water. New York : E.P. Dutton, 1989.)
Soon I will rise onto the mesa,
Play on the tableland under the lights.
Three nights at the Royal Albert Hall.
All my aspiration... All aspire...
The morning sky on the high plateau, afire.
Enter the pop warrior
Held in thrall to seven tiers,
"Hello darkness" for twenty-four years.
Be beautiful. Be a man.
Do what no one can.
Stand for genetic union.
Be mild in a battle blaze.
Go out on the field of praise to the apron.
Tell every stall: tomorrow it's over.
Tonight is all.
Avslutningsvis ytterligare en komposition från albumet "Everything Waits to Be Noticed". Wishbone är en mer njutbar sång än Turn, Don’t Turn Away. Och så har den saxofonsolo!
Wishbone, performed by Art Garfunkel
(text & music: Art Garfunkel/Buddy Mondlock/Billy Mannfrom. Album: Everything Waits to Be Noticed, 2002. Label: Blue Note.)
A wishbone was broken
I'm left holding the smaller part
With words left unspoken
They rattle round in my empty heart
Help me start to lay this burden down
On the solid ground
How many people hold the ones they love
Just like there's no tomorrow
How many people know the turning hands of time
Are stranger than us all
Time's always walkin'
I check my watch you'd be forty-five
It seems like God just ain't talkin'
I wish to God you were still alone
Every night I wonder where you are
Holding half my heart
How many people hold the ones they love
Just like there's no tomorrow
How many people know the turning hands of time
Are stranger than us all
All the days are gone the nights go on
Help me hear the words, "walk on"
How many people hold the ones they love
Just like there's no tomorrow
How many people know the turning hands of time
Are stranger than us all
I wish I would have told you that
The air you breathe was everything;
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